Our family has been a part of the farm from the beginning! We added animals that interested the kids. We helped them learn to raise, breed, and care for them. In some cases, we have raised animals fo pets and in others, their purpose was to provide something for the farm. Either way, all of our children have been involved in every aspect of the building of Cornercopia!


As you can see, our kids aren’t little anymore. They have grown up tall (I am the shortest in our family now!) and strong. They are involved in many of their own interests. They work, play sports, attend school, and in some cases, live away from home. Each of them still help out when they are around, but for the most part, Jerry and I are on our own when it comes to the farm.


What a joy it is when we all get together though! I love having a full nest, even when it is temporary. It is wonderful when they are around to help with the farm chores, but it really is their company that I enjoy the most!