As I shared recently – watch this video – I am focusing on planning for peace in my life this year. Once thing I have learned through our journey of “cleaning up and getting ready” is that peace can be found by making space for it. I am working on doing just that – making space – in 6 areas of my life and I would like to share those with you. I hope you will join me in this journey.


     1. Make space in your hours.

Making space in your hours is all about planning your days. As a reminder, true inner peace is God-produced. Shalom or eiréné – peace – is not something we can create for ourselves, but it is something we can access through Jesus Christ within us. Planning for peace – or making space for it – is a part of that process. By planning our days we are leaving more room for the peace of God to guard our hearts and minds.


“And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 4:7


To be transparent, I struggle with planning. I generally plan too much or not at all. I am learning more about setting margins in my life and allowing space around my plans so that the inevitable interruptions of life don’t completely wreck my peace.


We can have more peace in our day when we look ahead to anticipate what is to come.


     2. Make space in your head.