
We spent all day today driving from one side of our state to the other visiting two of the colleges that accepted my step-daughter, Renee. We wanted her to be able to make a clear comparison between the two, having previously visited them months apart. After each appointment, I tried to ask Renee to share her thoughts about the schools, but she struggled to verbalize her feelings. Renee is an internal processor, she prefers to weigh things out quietly for some time and then share only her ultimate decision. I, on the other hand, need to discuss things out loud in order to think things through thoroughly.

I have a variety of interests – teaching, painting, writing – but my favorite activity is to visit with people. I sometimes view that as an extravagance instead of a necessity, but I am beginning to understand that my time with others is a valuable part of my work life as well as my personal preference. Coffee with a friend is actually an important piece of my creative process. I need to paint, write, and plan in peaceful solitude, but once I have an idea in mind, it comes alive more fully after I share it with someone. Hearing myself explain the idea and listening to feedback concretes the idea and helps me tweak it to perfection. I love collaboration and since I don’t have a team of people to work with, chatting with my friends fills that need for me!

It’s not only talking through my ideas that enhances my creativity, but listening to the ideas of my friends fills me with even more. I gather energy from listening, offering encouragement, and simply being together. A life lived in relationship with diverse friends makes my wheels turn. I am inspired, empowered, and energized.

After reading several articles, I am beginning to believe that spending time with friends is not just a leisure activity, it is one of the most valuable tools to keeping my heart, mind, and even body healthy and alert. It seems that connection is one of my keys to creativity!