I have finally begun to enjoy music again! This will come as a huge surprise to some who know me well. I haven’t enjoyed music in a long time – about 5 years to be exact. I think it because I didn’t have any quiet space in my head – ever – and the music was just more noise.

I have always considered myself to be an extrovert, until recently. I think I may be both. I learned that an extrovert is one who becomes energized by being with people and an introvert is energized by being alone. I love to be with people, but I really need alone time. Though I tend to process ideas by talking them through with others, I need that peaceful solitude to think, plan, and create. When I don’t have enough space between interactions, my brain just becomes a jumbled mess.

I have so many thoughts running through my head at one time! I am often planning classes, writing stories, thinking of new projects, scheduling family activities, wrestling with new ideas, thinking about friends, praying constantly, all at once. I have been known to joke that I have thousands of new ideas per second – and it really doesn’t seem to be much of an exaggeration – but when I don’t have quiet time to sort it all out, I feel like I may explode.

Since I have returned to working from home, I have more control over the quiet in my day. I can vary the time I spend interacting and the time I spend reflecting. I feel like my soul is healing. I still prefer to paint without music – but I actually turn on the music occasionally when I am alone. It seems that quiet is one of my keys to creativity.