My friend Kate and I had a coffee date date with Agnes yesterday and it reminded me of the story I had previously written. I hope it brings you inspiration today!

Excerpt from A Cup of Encouragement – A Refill of Inspiration

The See-Through House

I had it in mind to visit with my neighbor, Agnes, after dropping the kids off at school this morning. As I passed her house, I glanced over to see if she was home. If her front door was open it would be a sign that visitors were welcome at this time. Sure enough, I was able to see through the glass of her storm door, right into her living room. As I continued past the house though, the living room was not all I could see! Agnes also had the back door open and I had a view of the beautiful morning sky behind her house. The clear shot through both of her doors was the perfect frame for the spectacular sight that I would have otherwise missed!

I did go back and visit with Agnes later, and I really enjoyed the time I had to chat with her. Her home is warm and welcoming and so full of light. We chatted about memories and present struggles, and through it all was woven our experiences of God’s grace and mercy. Though there is nothing that can take the place of fellowship with another believer, I couldn’t take my mind off of the view I had seen through Agnes’ “see-through” house. The more I thought about that view, the more I realized that I want my life to be “see-through” as well.

Like my neighbor’s home, I would like my life to have an open front door – a sign that people are always welcome. I want to be available and approachable at all times. Often though, I close the door, hiding my mess, seeking privacy, and masking my loneliness with busyness. It is not that I don’t want the company of others, but instead, I am sometimes afraid of what they might think if I let them inside. Unfortunately, what I often neglect to understand is that it is not what my life looks like that is important to others, as much as the encouragement that I have to offer when they come in.

Also like Agnes, I would like to remember to leave the back door open as well. While an open front door symbolizes a welcome sign to all who pass by, it is the light that shines through me that enables them to see me before they come in. Though the light of Christ is open and wide for all to see, many miss it unless it is framed by an ordinary life. When others can see Christ shining through me, illuminating my real and tangible characteristics, His beauty comes into focus. When I invite others in, but keep closed the door that lets in the light, they get but a faded glimpse of who I really am.

A home bathed in light is beautiful no matter what the contents. A home full of warmth is welcoming no matter its splendor. Leave the front door of your life open, throw open the back door to let in the light. When others see through your life and capture the awesomeness of God, you will be amazed at the company that will stop by!

No one lights a lamp, then hides it in a drawer.
It’s put on a lamp stand so those entering the room
have light to see where they’re going.
Keep your life as well-lighted as your best-lighted room.
Luke 11:33,36 (The Message)