Are you looking for peace in your relationships? Do you sometimes struggle to know how to respond in the midst of conflict or chaos? In this short video, I share the 3 P’s for pursuing peace in your relationships. When you practice these 3 things, you open the door for the peace of God through the Holy Spirit to calm your spirit and enable you to respond in a more godly way.


Take a breath, refrain from a quick response, ponder.
Use words like, “I hear you, I understand, let me think about that.”
Whenever possible move away from the conflict or chaos and delay your response – at least temporarily.


There is no greater power than consulting God.
Talking to God first allows you to have His perspective.
Prayer give the Spirit permission to work in you and through you.

Preach (to yourself)

Remind yourself of God’s truth and His promises.
Give God’s voice first place in your thought process.
Allow the Word to renew your mind and transform you.
Strengthen yourself in the Lord.