Some of my favorite social media posts lately have been those of the teachers and pastors reaching out to their students and congregations. Their efforts have been nothing short of creative and passionate. Two kindergarten teachers I know (I taught them in elementary school!) have created a facebook group where they post throughout the day to their students and families. Another elementary school teacher friend is mailing letters to her students and asking them to be “pen pals” with her. The pastors are going live with encouraging messages and reminders and even holding meetings in the parking lots where people can worship from the safety of their cars. The best part of all of this? Each of these people are including the rest of us in their encouragement.

“Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors, and teachers, to equip his people for works of service.”

Ephesians 4:11

Teachers and pastors are not excited about the opportunity of taking a vacation during this crisis because they understand their purpose is to equip the people. Purpose doesn’t stop in the face of a pandemic – instead it pushes back until it finds a way. We are not all pastors and teachers, but we can (and should) all be encouragers. The purpose of an encourager is to give courage – and it is time to get to work!

“Be strong and courageous and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged for the LORD God, my God, is with you.”

1 Chronicles 28:20

We understand that teachers and pastors have a specific group of people that are within their sphere of influence, but we should remember that we all have influence. Take some time today to think about who your people are. Begin with your family and list the names of those you can encourage. Don’t stop at those that live in your house but continue on to include extended family as well. Neighbors, co-workers, fellow church-members – each of the groups that you are involved with in your regular life – these are the people whose lives you touch.

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” 

Colossians 3:23

There are many ideas floating around right now for encouragement. Whether you encourage on social media, write letters, paint pictures, deliver meals, or simply smile at the people you see at a safe distance – God sees your heart and it matters to him. This is the work right now – this is our purpose. Set it in your heart to do the work of an encourager and get to it!

Here are some ideas for being an encourager today:

  • Send a note (I will probably say this one every time!) -Pick someone from your Christmas card list or someone in your small group. It doesn’t matter if it is on plain paper or a cute card and it doesn’t even need to include a lot of words – just letting someone know you are thinking of them will go a long way!
  • Call someone -Jerry and I are using our church directory to check on a few people each day. You may want to check on extended family members or even your co-workers. If no one answers leave a message. The sound of your voice will brighten their day.
  • Do a service for someone – Does your neighbor need their mailbox fixed or a garden weeded? Can you clean out the gutters for a family member? Offer to pick up something from the store or run an errand for someone who can’t (or shouldn’t) get out.
  • Post an encouraging scripture – Share a verse from your morning devotional or a thought you heard from an online pastor. If the verse had an impact on you then it probably will for someone else.
  • Text or message – Think about those who do a regular service for you – dental hygienist, hair stylist, mail carrier, pastor, teacher, doctor, personal trainer, shop owner – I could go on and on. Whether they are currently working or not, they could use some encouragement. Send a text, a message, an email to let them know you are thinking about them and you miss seeing them.
  • Share your happy moments and the beauty of your day – I love the photos of sunsets, flowers blooming, cute pets, and art projects. Each one of these makes me smile and lifts my spirits. Let’s keep sharing what makes our day happy!

This verse from Ephesians continues to encourage me to do the work of encouragement – may it spur you on as well!

“From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.”

Ephesians 4:16