Strengthen and Encourage Others in the LORD

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There is an account in 1 Samuel 30 where David was said to have been greatly distressed. I think those words are a bit of an understatement since he found himself in the situation where his own men were threatening to stone him to death, but the verse ends with these words, “but David encouraged himself in the LORD his God.”
What an amazing example for us when we find ourselves discouraged and distressed! Of course we know that it is God that truly does the work of encouragement through His power and His spirit, but what I think this passage means is that David knew how to seek and access and apply the encouragement of the LORD. Do we know how to do this?

Are we – like David – able to encourage ourselves in the LORD?

We must be able to Encourage ourselves before we can encourage others – and I love how Scripture gives us the example of David’s friend Jonathan doing this very thing. Let’s not miss that we know that David knew how to strengthen and encourage himself in the LORD – we saw that example above – but we all need encouragement at times. Even David had times when he needed a friend to remind him how to seek the LORD, how to access God’s strength, and how to apply the encouragement of the LORD to his own discouraged heart.
1 Samuel 23 tells about David hiding from Saul. Though David never lost faith, he was struggling with fear and discouragement as we all do from time to time – especially in the face of difficulty or danger. Jonathan, the son of David’s enemy, risked life and the favor of his father to go to his friend in time of need. The passage says that Jonathan, “went to David and helped him find strength in God.”

If David needed encouragement from a friend – well then friend – so do you and I. And so do our friends!

This example of encouragement should always be our goal in encouraging others. We should not encourage people to find strength in themselves, their circumstances, other people, or in us – true encouragement is to find strength in God alone.
We find many other examples in Scripture of people strengthening and encouraging others in the LORD – lets look at 3 biblical ways we can do just that!
The first way we can strengthen and encourage others in the LORD is to:

1. Point Them to Jesus

And I love the way we see this in the most unlikely person – the woman at the well
In John 4 Jesus has a divine encounter with a Samarian women. She is surprised that Jesus opens a conversation with her and he uses the opportunity to reveal Himself to her. We see the transformation that happens immediately in her life when she rushes back to town and can’t help but to tell everyone about her experience!
Then, leaving her water jar, the woman went back to the town and said to the people,  “Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Messiah?” They came out of the town and made their way toward him.
John 4:28-30
Can you see what is happening here? This woman has found new life – and strength and hopen- from an encounter with Jesus! Her focus is no longer on her circumstances but on Jesus Himself! And now – she is pointing others to him! Come see!
God is so good to show us the result of her enthusiasm:
Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman’s testimony, “He told me everything I ever did.” So when the Samaritans came to him, they urged him to stay with them, and he stayed two days. And because of his words many more became believers. They said to the woman, “We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world.”
John 4:39-42
This unlikely evangelist – just a woman who experienced the power of God in her life through meeting Jesus herself – shared that news with others – and they went to meet him and came to know Him themselves!

When we point to Jesus – when we share with others the hope and strength and encouragement we have received from Him – they are invited to come and experience the same for themselves!

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. For just as we share abundantly in the sufferings of Christ, so also our comfort abounds through Christ.
2 Corinthians 1:3-5
Is there someone in your life today who might need to hear about how God has comforted you?

Is your story pointing to Jesus?

The people the Samaritan Women pointed to Jesus were able to go to Him themselves – but there are times when a person can’t seem to get there on their own. Many things can prevent a person from going to Jesus to seek His comfort – depression, anger, bitterness, to name a few – but if they are willing, we can

2. Carry them to Jesus

When I hear the story of the man on the mat in Luke 5, it reminds me of a time that I was “paralyzed” with depression. It was a very difficult time in my life – I wasn’t without faith, but I was struggling to seek, access, and apply the encouragement of the LORD for myself. I had godly friends at that time that carried me – through their comfort and encouragement – to the feet of Jesus. In their company, I found the encouragement I needed to heal.
I am struck by the phrase that Jesus offers when this group goes to extreme lengths to get their friend to Him.
When Jesus saw their faith, he said, “Friend, your sins are forgiven.”
Luke 5:20
Did you hear that? Jesus saw “their” faith! Friend – your faith cannot save someone else – but your faith might be just what someone else needs to get them to the feet of Jesus – and once they are there – their own faith – and the compassion of their LORD will do the rest of the work.

Can you think of someone who knows the LORD but is struggling to see Him past their circumstances? How can you carry a corner of their mat – how can you get them to the feet of Jesus?

Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
Galatians 6:2
We can only carry each other’s burdens as far as to the feet of Jesus.
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Matthew 11:28-30
We can point to Jesus with our own changed lives, we can carry to Jesus those who believe but cannot get themselves to Him, but there are also times when we are called to:

3. Walk With Them to Jesus

Acts 8 gives us the story of Phillip and the Ethiopian eunuch.
Philip was in the midst of doing the work God had given him to do. This is an important detail.

When we are obedient to the calling God has given us – He puts us where we need to be to walk alongside those who need His encouragement.

But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.
1 Peter 3:15
There are 2 important points here:

1. Revere Christ as Lord – in your heart – encourage and strengthen yourself in the LORD – know Him, follow Him     – Look to Him.

 2. Be prepared – know how you seek, access, and apply the encouragement of the LORD and be ready to help others do so

Philip was ready.
As Philip was doing the work God had given him to do – Scripture tells us that the Spirit led him to the chariot of this Eunuch. And as he obeyed he heard the man reading from the prophet Isaiah. So he struck up a conversation about what the eunuch was reading. He met the man where he was and was able to participate in the work God was already doing! The man invited Philip to travel with him and explain what he was reading. That very day the Eunuch accepted Jesus and was baptized!
How exciting to be used in that way! We too can be used like that – we can walk alongside those that are seeking the LORD and help to guide them to Him.
Friends, these 3 ways of strengthening and encouraging others in the LORD  – Point to Jesus, Carry them to Jesus, Walk with them to Jesus – each of them are nothing without Him.

We cannot do the work of encouragement in our own strength!

In 1 Corinthians Paul explained some of the ways we can be used –
I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labor. For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building.
1 Corinthians 3:6-9
I might be the one planting the seed – pointing someone to Jesus,
or perhaps I will get to water the seed – carrying them to Jesus or walking alongside them to Jesus,

But only God makes it grow – true encouragement and strength comes from the LORD!

If we are focused on Him and willing to be used – oh friend! Prepare to be amazed at what He will do!

5 Ways to Plan to Encourage in the New Year

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Each year I set a goal to be more encouraging in my relationships, my attitude – in my life in general, but I really don’t think we can be encouraging on a regular basis without being intentional. Becoming an encourager requires planning. Here are some ideas you can use to become an encourager in the new year.

1. Encourage yourself 

  • Change your words
  • Read the Word
  • Remind yourself

2. Take notice of those who need encouraging

  • Look
  • Listen
  • Ask

3. Choose a strategy 

  • Words
  • Action
  • Gifts

4. Gather your supplies

  • Words – send encouraging notes (Notecards, bible, address book)
  • Action – make meals (make a list, shop for supplies, get containers)
  • Gifts (make a list, purchase gifts, storage or staging area)

5. Practice encouraging 

  • Schedule time
  • Smile!
  • Just do it – send the cards, make the meals, give the gift

Becoming an encourager – or a better encourager – in 2023 requires planning and intentionality – take some time to plan and then get to it!

7 Ways to Plan for a Season of Encouragement


There is perhaps no better season for encouragement than the holidays – especially at Christmas. In general, most of us are in a giving mood around this time of year – and that attitude primes our heart for encouragement. But we need to realize that this time of year is not jolly for everyone. In fact, many people around us are hurting in a variety of ways. For this reason, its important for us to have our eyes and our hearts open for the many opportunities to encourage those around us – both our friends and family and those we don’t even know.

You might have an opportunity through your church or another organization that you belong to – to give money or gifts to someone in need. Maybe you have someone in your own family that has a particular need you can fill during this time. But if you are like many people, you would like to give to someone but you aren’t really sure where that gift should go.



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Often we would love to give or encourage but we aren’t prepared when the time is right. Here are seven ideas for being ready to give and encourage when the opportunity arises:

1. Purchase Gift Cards

Purchase a gift card (or several) from your local big box store or grocery store and keep them in your purse or wallet. You can wait to see someone in need and give them on the spur of the moment – like in a grocery store line. You can put them in a card and mail them to someone. You can give them to your pastor or someone else who may have the knowledge of someone in need. 

2. Make a Food Basket

Purchase food items and make a basket to deliver to someone who is struggling or donate it to your local food pantry or social services. Include some essentials and some special treats – have some fun with this. Even if you don’t know who to give it to just yet, prepare it and have it ready.

3. Purchase a box of Christmas Cards

Purchase a box of Christmas cards and sign them with an encouraging note or verse inside. Seal them and put them in your purse or bag. Hand them out to anyone that you think might need a bright spot in their day. It could be your waitress at a restaurant or the young man that checks out your groceries. Or deliver them to your local nursing home or the prison where people might not receive any Christmas cards.

4. Bake some Goodies

Make some baked goods and wrap them up. Deliver them to a service organization – like the firehouse or police station. Or hand them out to the homeless. Or take them to your neighbors.

5. Plan a Meal

Plan a meal and be prepared to invite someone to your home to share it with you and your family. Pray about who might need that gift of hospitality, and then as the time gets closer you can make the invitation.

6. Plan to Help

Look around your neighborhood and think about some people who could use your help. These could be small things like filling the bird feeder or fixing their mailbox, or bigger things like cutting down a dead tree. Plan a time to show up with whatever tools might get the job done and the help that you need to get it accomplished.

7. Purchase Poinsettias

Purchase poinsettias and anonymously drop them off on the porch of someone who could use some cheer. Or deliver them to someone’s office or take them to the hospital and ask for them to go to someone who needs it.


Its really all about being ready to encourage and sometimes that takes a little planning. Even if you don’t yet know who needs the encouragement – you can take the steps to have something ready to give when that opportunity presents itself. We may never know how far this small act of encouragement will go, but we can be sure that we are sharing God’s love with others when spread some Holiday cheer this season.


“A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.”

Proverbs 11:25

Why I Love Teaching Children’s Art

When I was in 4th grade, my teacher, Mrs. Sparks, gave the class chalk pastels and paper and some free time to create. I drew a picture of an Easter basket and she thought it was fabulous. She made a big deal about it and hung it on the board. I thought to myself, “now there is something I can do,” and so I have! That one action from a teacher set the course of my life. Of course, there were many people along the way who supported me, taught me, inspired me, but she lit a “spark” in my soul with her encouragement.

I ran across that drawing today as I was cleaning out some things. It isn’t magnificent. I have had many students significantly more talented than I was at that age. But she saw something in my drawing and in my passion that she felt worthwhile to encourage. She didn’t know that art would become my life’s work. She couldn’t have guessed that I would spend many years encouraging future students. There was no hint that I would paint on many walls and and illustrate books and create for both profession and pleasure. She didn’t know. But she did it anyway – and I am so glad she did!

Teaching art to children gives me the chance to do the same. And maybe I have not taught the next Michaelangelo, but I have taught many children who have gone on to study art and to become artists. Hopefully I have taught many more who have grown up to appreciate art. Perhaps, I have taught a few who, had I not encouraged, would never have known that was what they were supposed to do.

This week I taught a group of children how to draw a pig. We focused on overlapping and other drawing skills. Their sketches were beautiful! When I gave them paper to draw the final product, a few of their pigs suddenly became biker pigs and pirate pigs and pigs with disco balls and earrings! It wasn’t what I was expecting, but the joy and passion those kids had in creating their art was far more important than having a museum quality piece of art in the end.

Why do I love teaching art to children? I love it because I get to teach, encourage, and then step back and watch the purest form of expression one will ever see!


I have begun writing again! I am excited to feel the words and ideas bubbling up and spilling onto the page after a long drought of silence. One of the projects I started years ago is a book about encouraging others daily. God has been giving me opportunities to live these examples – whether I am the encourager or the recipient of the encouragement. I have been organizing these ideas into categories such as Hospitality, Gifts, the Encouragement of Words, etc. Here is a post about the Encouragement of Hospitality – with a twist!


This Thanksgiving I had the amazing privilege of listening to the stories of several recovering addicts. The program my son is attending for his own recovery hosted the families for the Holiday. Some families came, but many of the men were without family and they seemed grateful for the fellowship. I moved around the ranch asking each person I met to share how they came to be where they were. It was a unique opportunity to discover the humanity and humility of those who had hit rock bottom. Most stories had a similar element – they longed to be right with their families again. They were in various stages of their recovery – one there less than a week, several at the half-way mark of six months, one just returned after 30 years, and one graduating and leaving that day! A few were still harboring regret and bitterness, some full of peace, most excited and ready to move on. I listened – and promised to pray – but mostly just listened. Every time they tell their stories, they share how God has saved them from a life of destruction. They tell of their freedom and the hope they have for their future. Every story told is speaking life and truth into their own hearts and it is good for them to tell it! They may have hosted us, but I invited them to tell their stories.

Sometimes hospitality is simply inviting someone into your presence, even if it occurs in their space. Go to a soup kitchen, nursing home, women’s shelter, prison, school, or anywhere that there are people who cannot come to you. Enter their presence but invite them into yours. Don’t just visit – interact, ask questions, and listen! Pray with people, share your own story, and care. Telling their story may be the very thing that gives them the courage to go on one more day!

Ways to Encourage Others Daily #37

A friend invited me to come to her house to help her with a painting the other day. Her table looked similar to mine – paints, brushes, projects in a variety stages – but it was exciting to me to walk into her “studio”! We painted a little together and enjoyed some fellowship at the same time. I left refreshed and inspired. Do you share a hobby or interest with other women? Invite them to join you in your space to create together. A fresh atmosphere coupled with the company will be an exciting change to their regular routine