Gifts come in many forms, but what makes a gift worth giving is the joy with which it is given.
“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
2 Corinthians 9:7
My stepdaughter, Renee, has always been a cheerful giver! When she was little, she would choose things from her room to wrap up and give as gifts. These precious gifts, along with all of the amazing things my children made for me with their own hands, have remained some of my favorites through the years. What is it that makes a gift from the heart so sweet? I believe it is the joy of the giver.
Giving gifts comes more naturally to some of us than others, but we can develop the encouragement of gifts simply by practicing. Here are a few ideas to get you started:
Give something homemade.
Food is an amazing gift! It fills the belly and fills the heart. Choose one thing you are good at making (my chocolate chip cookies are amazing!) and whip up a large batch. Create bundles – attach a note of encouragement – deliver! If you are not confident in your baking (or cooking) skills, then purchase homemade goodies from a local farmer’s market or bakery. Regardless of whose hands stirred the batter, the gift is sure to hit the sweet spot!
Give something handmade.
Use your skills and passions to create or craft a one-of-a-kind gift. The ideas are endless, and the time and effort put into making something is priceless. Pray over each gift as you make it and send it with a message of love.
Give something from nature.
Flowers, plants, a stone from your hike, a feather – these are the gifts that connect us to our creator. We can pass along the gifts of our Father to others and remind them of His love for us as part of his creation. Include a card with a verse of encouragement about the value of each of God’s creations.
Give something personal.
We all have something we treasure. When we give away something that is personal and precious to us, it opens our hearts to make room for even more. Sacrificial giving is the purest form of encouragement. Include a handwritten note to explain the significance of the gift and the person receiving it.
Give something useful.
Our God is a lavish giver and a practical giver. If you see that someone needs something – give it to them! It may take a little detective work, but meeting a practical need for people is a very gratifying way to encourage. Sometimes it is appropriate to give these gifts anonymously, but whenever possible include a message to let the recipient know it was given in love.
I would love to hear your gift ideas as well – please comment to share the gifts you have given or received lately that offered encouragement.
“Dear children, let us not love with actions and in truth or speech but with actions and in truth.”
1 John 3:18