The Bible specifically tells us to care for the widows among us.

“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”

James 1:27

I think widows often go unnoticed and underserved because they are so often the caretakers. While widows of today might not be in such dire straights as they were in biblical times, we must understand that they are still in need of our encouragement. Take some time to look around and think about who the widows are – in your church, in your neighborhood, and in your family.

Here are some specific ideas for encouraging widows:


Living alone is – well – lonely. Even the most independent widow would probably enjoy some company from time to time. My friend, Tracy, and I have been having coffee chats with our neighbor widow, Agnes, for years.

2. Listen

Older widows have so much life experience to share. I often ask Ms. Agnes, “How did you handle this?” and “What was that stage like for you?” Her stories and wisdom give fresh insight for many of my life issues.

Younger widows have much to share as well. Though they may not have lived as long, grief and sorrow develops wisdom that we can all learn from.

Beyond the wisdom, everyone has a need to be heard.

3. Take along for shopping/errands

One of my favorite things when my children were small was pick up my Granny and take her along for shopping and errands. She enjoyed the outing and the kids – I enjoyed the extra set of hands and the adult company.

4. Take a meal or leftovers – eat with them whenever possible

Cooking for one and eating alone is no fun. Share your leftovers – especially in freezable portions – but more importantly share a meal and eat with her!

5. Invite to join your family for special occasions – or just for the day

Don’t wait for your house to be quiet and clean or for the time to prepare the perfect meal. Many widows would love the opportunity to join in your family time even if that feels chaotic to you. What you consider to be a zoo might just represent the fullness of life someone else has been missing.

6. Pray

Pray for and with the widows among you. Ask them specifically how you can pray for them and ask them to pray for you.

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind,’ and ‘your neighbor as yourself. ”

Luke 10:27