You may not have picked up on this yet, but I am working on a book about encouraging others daily. At this point, I am just collecting snippets of ideas and examples. If you would like to share a story of encouragement with me, please email comment on this post or email me at – I may include a version of it in the book.

Here is one I recently recorded:

My friend, Liana, recently posted about the encouragement jar her teenage daughter made her for Christmas. Kristen used quotes about mothers for her encouragement and her mom was instructed to read one a week for the year. The second message she withdrew from the jar included a timely message that seemed penned for exactly that day! The message was uplifting for Liana and the post not only complimented Kristin, but it also encouraged the rest of us to remember just how much power our written words can hold .


Make an encouragement jar. Write scriptures and encouraging messages on small pieces of paper. Fold each piece and place them into a decorated jar. Present the jar to someone in need of encouragement. Attach a note that explains that they can draw out a note of encouragement whenever they need it!