Building a dream is hard work – in fact, it is probably the hardest work I have ever done! It requires planning, waiting, changing plans, waiting some more, actual manual labor, oh – and did I mention waiting?

Every time I discover that I need to wait more, discouragement rears its ugly head. I actually had to talk myself out of the tree of despair today as it began to settle on me that my building might not be finished before cold weather. I reminded myself that it would be okay. There is no time limit on dream-building. I will just have to make an alternate plan – and wait.

It is actually quite interesting to discover that waiting builds character. It gives me time to refine – and redefine- my dream. It causes me to slow down and savor the moments of building my dream instead of rushing ahead and missing the steps along the way. Waiting causes me to spend more time in prayer – seeking guidance, asking for help, expressing gratitude for what I have. It gives me time for creating and exploring new ideas. Waiting strengthens my resolve.

Building a dream is hard work – and I suppose it should be. If it were easy and came quickly, I might be tempted to let it go just as easily. This way, the planning, revising, manual labor – and even the waiting – will all undergird the final spectacular result that I have been dreaming about. And that is worth waiting for!