The Hard Work of Building a Dream

Building a dream is hard work – in fact, it is probably the hardest work I have ever done! It requires planning, waiting, changing plans, waiting some more, actual manual labor, oh – and did I mention waiting?

Every time I discover that I need to wait more, discouragement rears its ugly head. I actually had to talk myself out of the tree of despair today as it began to settle on me that my building might not be finished before cold weather. I reminded myself that it would be okay. There is no time limit on dream-building. I will just have to make an alternate plan – and wait.

It is actually quite interesting to discover that waiting builds character. It gives me time to refine – and redefine- my dream. It causes me to slow down and savor the moments of building my dream instead of rushing ahead and missing the steps along the way. Waiting causes me to spend more time in prayer – seeking guidance, asking for help, expressing gratitude for what I have. It gives me time for creating and exploring new ideas. Waiting strengthens my resolve.

Building a dream is hard work – and I suppose it should be. If it were easy and came quickly, I might be tempted to let it go just as easily. This way, the planning, revising, manual labor – and even the waiting – will all undergird the final spectacular result that I have been dreaming about. And that is worth waiting for!

The Deepest Darkest Places

On the first day of the year, I was determined to clean out the deepest, darkest place in our home – our bedroom closet – or so I thought. It turned out that God would show us that we had deeper and darker places that needed our attention. Isn’t it just like God to use those revelations to teach us to draw closer to Him?

I started out the day with a warm shower and a hopeful motivation. I was feeling inspired to get rid of the clutter in our overstuffed closet and the driving force was the desire to find my missing slipper. I coaxed Jerry into joining me in the project and we managed to remove 4 trash bags of clothes and shoes that were headed for donation, as well as another bag that landed in the garbage. We swept away the dust that had been hiding under that clutter and found more than just the missing slipper. We felt accomplished and Jerry headed off to the shower, returning shortly to question me about why there was no water pressure.

The day quickly turned from a hopeful motivation to a desperate searching. Jerry became tense and sullen. He tested the electrical connection and found that, though power was flowing to the wire, the well pump was not working. We stood at the top of the well and looked into the hole wondering, what are we getting ourselves into? Jerry searched the Internet for answers, phoned a friend or two, and we rode silently to the home improvement store to purchase a new well pump – a big expense that wasn’t in our post-holiday budget. As we arrived at the store I asked my normally confident husband, “Are you okay?”

He surprised me with a short, “No.”

While Jerry was perusing the well pumps and scouting for the necessary tools, I wandered around the appliance section and gave him some thinking space. I sensed that this project was leaving him stumped and concerned about the expense of calling a professional. I knew he was feeling helpless and I was completely powerless to assist. “Lord,” I prayed, “Please give Jerry wisdom – and some help.”

I meandered back to the plumbing department but my husband was no longer there. I tried calling him but he didn’t answer. Finally, I located him and he was talking to someone on the phone. “We may not need to buy a well pump,” Jerry explained, “Dwayne is coming over to help.”

On the way home, I discovered that Jerry had suddenly thought to call our contractor friend to ask his opinion. It “just so happened” that Dwayne and his wife had experience with well pumps and they had the tools to do the job! When they arrived, It took 5 of us to pull the well pump 350 feet out of the hole! The guys were able to find a severed wire that had caused our pump to stop working. They patched the wire, secured it to reduce the possibility of that happening again, lowered our well pump into the ground, and we had water!

Later that evening, I asked Jerry, “What was going through your head when you said you were not okay?”

“I didn’t know how to fix the problem,” he confessed.

I often brag about my husband that he can fix anything. The truth is – while he is very good at repairing many things – he can’t fix everything. My faithful man had forgotten for a brief moment that God’s strength is made perfect in our weakness, and his lesson taught me just as much. When we rely on ourselves for knowledge and wisdom we will come to the end of ourselves. But when we rely on God, the author of wisdom, we will never reach the end.

Jerry and I thought that clearing clutter and dissipating dust would bring light to our deepest, darkest places, and while those were good aspirations, they merely scratched the surface. God desires to do more in our lives than clearing the clutter. He wants to reach into the depths of our hearts and pull out the frayed cords that are shorting out the lifeblood of our souls. Whatever it is that is holding you back from a complete trust in God – fear, pain, unforgiveness, bitterness – God wants to pull it up, bring it into the light, and mend it. He longs to be source of everything you need – your strength, your wisdom, your savior.


Oh, the depths of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable His judgements, and His paths beyond tracing out. Who has known the mindset of the Lord? Or who has been His counselor? Who has ever given to God that God should repay him? For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever! Amen.
Romans 11:33-36

A Narrative of Grace


I was recently told, by a person who has been exposed to the Word their whole life, that Scripture just doesn’t hold their attention. I can understand that – especially if it is perceived as an assigned reading that “should be done.” I can remember trying desperately to comprehend my high school history book, but no matter how many times my eyes moved over the words, my brain simply refused to enter the information. It just was not interesting to me – it seemed to have no bearing on my life.

I have, at times, felt the same way about the Bible. Rote reading that didn’t make sense and certainly didn’t seem to apply. Once I began to understand though, that Scripture is a book of stories – accounts of the lives of real people like me who struggled – reading it became a lifeline instead of a chore. Suddenly, reading the Bible illuminated the darkness of my crazy life, helped me make sense of the chaos, called me to focus on the important things, and gave me courage to keep going. Scripture not only holds my attention – it compels me!

Yesterday, I was studying our Youth Sunday School lesson. We are using The Gospel Project curriculum and it is taking us consecutively through the Bible. The current unit carries us through the Exodus and wandering of the Israelites in the wilderness. Because we have been traveling through Scripture in the order that it happened, we are invested – familiar with the whole story. We have just experienced the awesomeness of God’s power as He orchestrated the release of the Israelites from Egyptian captivity and brought them through the impossible obstacle of the Red Sea. His people have been led and protected every step of the way, but as soon as they felt some discomfort, they fell to doubt, fear, and complaining. Under the commentary in my lesson, I wrote the following message: “When we focus on the challenge, we shake in fear. When we focus on God, we are encouraged.”

That lesson resonated with me. It seemed like a phrase I might need some day to encourage someone. I closed my book and continued on with my plan for the day – a busy one full of appointments with new shops and processing orders. By the evening, I was feeling overwhelmed by the growth of my business and the increase in my responsibilities. The things I had prayed for were happening – and it was scary!

As I crawled into bed, feeling anything but relaxed, I texted with my mom. “This is stressful.”

“Just focus and trust the Lord,” she replied. Those specific words were like a flashback!
I left my bed and pulled out my notes from earlier in the day.

“When we focus on the challenge, we shake in fear. When we focus on God, we are encouraged.” I had been right – I would need those words to encourage someone – that someone was me! The lessons learned by the Israelites wandering in the wilderness were a blueprint for my own wandering. As I read their story, I am reminded about the amazing show of power, provision, and protection God has showered upon my own life. When I read about their doubt and fear, I recognize my doubt and fear. When I see the kindness and grace that God showed them over and over – the patience He displays in their hard-hearted and hard-headed struggle to move forward – well, let’s just say that I can relate.

This world can seem like a meaningless, chaotic, mess – there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t need to be encouraged. I’m thankful that we have been given a guide – not a dry, academic manual of instructions – but a narrative of grace and a reminder that the God of the Universe is alive and active and cares about me!

“Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.”
Exodus 14:13-14

Let Your Love Fall All Around Me

The fall is upon us and very soon the leaves will turn all shades of amazing colors.  This time of year is spectacular to behold – but it also reminds me that change is upon us.  It is the end of summer – the end of a season – the end of life as we know it.  Fall is a sign that we are entering a period of rest. As the trees drop their leaves and bear their branches in the cold darkness of winter, we will long for new life with the reassurance and hope that it will come.

I love change.  I know that makes me strange, but I always have.  I grew up in a military family that moved, and while I didn’t have to relocate as often or as far as some military families, it was enough to set the tone of transition for my life.  In the early years I became someone who appreciated the ending of one thing and the fresh start of something new.  I came to love the opportunity for a new room, a new school, a new set of friends.

That love of change extended into my adulthood as I became a teacher.  One of my favorite aspects of the school year is that it has an ending – and a new beginning. I have been able to translate that concept into each day as it comes to an end and then a new day begins.  The end becomes a beginning, death becomes new life, change becomes a fresh start, putting away the old opens up the opportunity for a new creation!

As painful as change can be, it is a sign of the grace of our good God.  Just as He has planned for the autumn leaves to fall, He has allowed things to end in our lives as well. Though we cannot see the work of new life forming within the tree, He is working in the secret places of those trees and us to bring about new life that will show itself in season like the tiny new leaves unfurling in the spring sun. The death of one thing prepares the way for the life of another.

Romans 2:4 asks, “Do you show contempt for the riches of His kindness, forbearance, and patience, not realizing that God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repentance?” It is His love that allows things to come to an end. He knows what we need and He knows how to get us there.

This revelation leads me to ask myself, “Will I see those falling leaves in my life as the love of God preparing me to weather the storms ahead? Or will I stomp my feet and wallow in self-pity, unable to consider that those dry leaves hanging on would simply add weight to my brittle branches in the heavy snows that come during the winter of life? Will I rejoice in the beauty of the colors of change and swirling of leaves blown in the breeze? Or will I tuck my head and grumble at the mess I must clean up as the leaves pile all around me?”

I will choose to see the love – I will remind myself to gaze upon the beauty – I will marvel in awe at the awesome power of God, who is able to turn the end of something old into the beginning of something new! So I will say, “Lord, Let your love fall all around me!”

“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”  Isaiah 43:19


Who is Building This Bus?

“And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 4:19


Jerry and I are converting a school bus into a tiny home on wheels! This isn’t a new thing in our lives – we have been researching and planning for over a year and we actually began the conversion process several months ago – but we only recently began to share the process. The response from friends and family has been wildly mixed – some think we have lost our minds and others are living their dreams out vicariously through our adventure. And an adventure it is! This project is unique, difficult, frustrating, and exciting all in one. But the best part of the story for us is that we believe we are following God’s plan for our lives in this season and we love watching Him at work.

Building a bus requires planning ahead and thinking through each step in advance. Even though we are nowhere near ready to build the bathroom, we realized that we needed to know what size shower we would use before building anything else. The drain has to work around the wheel wells and fuel tank, so the placement of the shower base determines everything else in the bus. We have been discussing all kinds of solutions, but they are expensive and will still need to be modified to fit into a bus!

Yesterday, we set out to visit a truck salvage yard in search of a seat for the passenger (another thing that will determine placement of other things!) Unfortunately, the salvage yard didn’t have what we needed, so we decided to make use of the trip by checking out the Habitat Restore. It was near closing time, but we quickly browsed the store and a young man that worked there asked if we needed help. We explained that we were looking for shower stalls and he directed us out back to see what was in stock. It only took a moment to realize that all of their shower stalls were too large for the bus, so we made our way back in. He checked on us again and asked if we found what we needed. As we described our bus project, he immediately agreed that they had nothing that would fit.

Jerry and I continued to browse – we are looking for lots of things right now – and suddenly the young man reappeared with a bewildered expression.

”Are you faithful people?” He asked. “Do you pray? Who is this bus for?”

We weren’t quite sure what this kid was asking, but Jerry replied, “Yes we pray.”

“The bus is for us,” I answered, “But we are hoping it will include a ministry, so I guess it is for God too! Why?”

The boy still looked incredulous. “Because a man just pulled up out back and he is donating a shower the exact size you are looking for!”

Jerry and I chuckled and followed him out back to check out our new shower. We are always in awe of God’s provision – but not surprised. He has a way of showing up at just the right time. We were blessed by the shower – but the best part of the whole experience was watching the faith of the young man that discovered it for us! As he helped us load the shower into our car (remember we weren’t expecting to buy a shower stall that day!) I reminded him that if God provided the shower then He would certainly make a way for it to fit – and it did!

In my Instagram post, I noted that we must be building the bus for God – or maybe He is building the bus for us – but I truly believe He is building this bus for His work and for HIs glory. We just get the privilege of participating!


“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him who have been called according to His purpose.”

Romans 8:28

Encouragement to Submit to God’s Guidance


Jerry’s company car reached the required mileage recently and he was delighted to pick up a new lease today. As he travels, he is learning all of the different features – such as the “lane adjust”. If he attempts to change lanes without a signal, it assumes he is drifting accidentally and the car gives him a slight nudge back toward his lane. This seems like it will be a great feature to keep him alert!

I am grateful that the Holy Spirit also provides a “lane adjust” for us. He gives us that slight nudge when we are getting out of our lanes, but He also does so much more. God guides us as we move through life and helps us to know where to turn, when to switch lanes, and when to pause. This is that “guided drift” I have written about before – and it is precisely why we need to be alert and dependent upon God throughout our journey.


“Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually!“

1 Chronicles  16:11

Allow God to guide 

In order to receive the full benefit from God’s presence in our lives, we must submit to Him and seek His direction constantly. Jerry and I pray together – inviting God to interrupt our plans and lead us in His. We renew our minds and train ourselves to recognize His leading by studying His Word. And we also seek wise counsel by talking with other godly people about our life and our journey.


“Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.”

1 Corinthians 16:13


Be alert for His guidance

Just like that nudge from Jerry’s new car, we must be alert for nudges from the Holy Spirit. These are evidence of God’s guidance and they might include a still small voice from inside us, a Scripture that speaks to our hearts, words from a friend, or a change in circumstance. Whatever the avenue, we should be looking and listening and taking all things to Him in prayer.


“The LORD says, ‘I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.’”

Psalm 32:8


Adjust as directed by God

We might get a strong clear mandate from the Lord – like Saul, or Moses, or even Balaam, or we might get a whisper that is difficult to discern. But either way, we must be willing to shift and pivot as the Holy Spirit moves us. Obedience is key to a straight path – but we also need to allow ourselves grace as God gives us grace. Even if we miss the nudge – even if we ignore the direction – even if we take a different route, our God is a god of second chances. All roads lead home if we turn our hearts to Him!


“You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.”

Unknown Author


It often seems like our decisions are detrimental, but many times our “choices” will have the same outcome. We can decide – will we take the long, slow way, or choose the swift and rocky ride? Life is an adventure and with God as our guide, we are guaranteed to finish well!


The LORD will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.”

Isaiah 58:11