Encouraging Your Small Business Friends

Take a second to tally it up – how many small business friends do you have? You might be surprised at how many you know when you stop to actually think about it. Count in the total those who own restaurants, small shops, and real estate or insurance agencies. Don’t forget the crafters, artists, and writers (like me). And consider the home child care providers, tutors, and private home health card providers. Oh yeah, and the self-employed mechanics, plumbers, electricians – wow – we could really go on and on!

Now that you have reminded yourself how many people in your circle run small businesses, you can imagine the need for encouragement. Let’s look at some ideas for encouraging our small businesses.

  1. Hire them, buy from them, support them! These businesses don’t succeed without the support of friends, families, and neighbors. They are here to serve, please give them a chance to serve you!
  2. Share them! Make an intentional effort to call them out (in a good way) on social media and in person. Tell others about their business and about the great experience you have had when using them.
  3. Give them grace! These business owners are people just like you. Chances are they also have off days. If you have experienced one of those off days, purposefully give them a chance to try again.
  4. Speak (or write) encouraging words! Express your gratitude and praise by telling them how much you appreciate their hard work. A note is always amazing because they can read it any time they need to remember.
  5. Pray for them! Pray that the community will benefit from their service and that God will bless their business.

How to Encourage the Thirsty


There is nothing more refreshing than meeting someone with a thirst for God’s Word. Let’s talk about some tips for how to encourage the thirsty.

1.Give them a Bible. Choose a Bible with good study notes, topical devotionals that relate, or even a journaling Bible – there are so many to choose from. You can even give away your Bible that has your own notes.

2. Give them a journal. Fill a journal with Scriptures, or just write Scripture references at the top of each page. Give a blank journal for recording blessings, taking sermon notes, or writing prayers.

3. Give them a Christian book. Hundreds of authors write about biblical topics in a relevant way. When we read their words we ingest the Word from a different perspective and that causes us to think through Scripture in a deeper way.

4. Invite them to a Bible study. Or to study the Bible with you! Studying Scripture together gives us the opportunity to learn from each other and bonds us together.

5. Speak Scripture to them. Share verses, talk about the Word, explain what you are reading/learning, and have conversations about what God is speaking to you through His Word.


“But whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst.”

John 4:14

How to Encourage Those in the Midst of Change

It appears that one of the effects of the current pandemic is the number of people re-evaluating their lives and making significant changes. Retirement, school decisions, career changes, moving, downsizing, and reconnecting are just a few of the transitions I have noticed in many of the people I know. In addition to these purposeful shifts, are the changes people face every day – many of those not by choice: empty nest, divorce, loss of loved one, job loss, financial difficulty, etc.

It is difficult to know how to help in many of these situations, but we can be intentional about noticing those in the midst of transition and strive to do what can to offer them encouragement.

8 ways to encourage those in the midst of change:

1.Be a friend.

Reach out to check on those you know that are in a time of transition in their lives. Ask how they are doing and let them know you are thinking of them. Each of the tips below are practical ways to live this out, but being consistent through the time of changing will speak to the sincerity of your friendship.

2. Extend an invitation.

Times of change or transition can seem the most lonely. Invite someone that is dealing with change to go out for coffee or a meal. Ask them to join you in church or Bible study. Include them in your family’s plans or bring them into your circle of friends. Let them know that they are not alone.

3. Listen (without offering advice).

Call and ask how they are doing and then listen. Sit with them and offer your presence and nonjudgemental ear. Be a sounding board as they work through their options, their ideas, and their grief.

4. Offer a helping hand.

Fix a meal, clean their house, help fold laundry, pick up groceries, run errands, mow the grass, weed the flower bed, take out the trash, babysit, make a list, go to the post office, make phone calls, help pack, drive to the doctor’s appointment, feed the dog – whatever the needs, offer to help – or when appropriate just do it.

5. Speak or write words of encouragement.

Send a note, make the call, say the words. Here are few good ones:

“I hear you.”

“I love you.”

“I am thinking about you.”

“I am praying for you.”

“You are important to me.”

“You are on my mind.”

“Your friendship is a blessing to me.”

“I want to be an encouragement to you.”

“How can I specifically pray for you?”

6. Share helpful resources.

Times of transition can be lonely, confusing, and overwhelming. If you have been through a similar transition or change, you likely have helpful resources you can share. If not, connect them with another friend who shares the experience.

7. Pray.

Pray for God’s direction, strength, and help in the midst of the transition. Ask how you can specifically pray. Send a note to remind them you are praying. Follow up to know how you can continue to pray. Pray with them whenever possible.

8. Remember the blessings.

It can be very hard to see the blessings in the midst of transition. Help them to recall the blessings by asking specifically and pointing out the good that is happening. Consider writing the blessing down for them so they can look back over those later or suggesting that they journal the blessings they see.










Encouragement in the Changing Season

Jerry and I are finding ourselves very near a crossroads of our lives. The empty nest stage is literally months away, and we have the option to change the direction of our course. We can certainly stay right where we are – same house, same jobs, same hobbies, same habits – or we can choose change. It’s a bit scary – yes! – but it is also exciting. We love adventure and dreaming and possibilities, but we also love God and we want to follow HIs direction for our lives. We don’t want to stay where we have always been out of fear and we don’t want to leave it all behind based on a whim. How, then, do Jerry and I go about interpreting what God’s will is for our next season?


“The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.”

Proverbs 16:9


It seems that we have been hearing this voice inside of us for a while. I have always felt called to “go” and I have mostly interpreted that as a call to missions. While that has only played out in my life in small, temporary ways, I have a missional heart and some wanderlust. Jerry, while he is adventurous in spirit, loves to be at home. But serving and helping are undeniably his gifts. Together, we see a pattern leading to a future of mission and ministry. As some of our responsibilities change, there are few excuses for following that calling.


“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”

Ephesians 2:10


Within the last few years, several things have happened to turn our hearts toward this direction. Even as we knew our kids were growing older and becoming independent, we were still building a dream that would tie us to our home. We loved the possibilities right there on our corner of the world and it seemed to fit with what we had always wanted, but looking back we can see where we veered off the path and chose our own way. As we were struggling through the literal “building” of that dream, God brought it to a sudden halt through several difficult circumstances. He first paused us with red tape from our county, and then when we continued on, He dropped a tree right in the middle of the project!

In the article, “5 Ways to Know You Are Right Where God Wants You”, Meg Bucher says, “We can ask for God’s audible voice of direction in our lives, but if we’re not willing to pull over and listen, frustration will take over.” And that is just what had begun to happen in our lives. Thankfully, God used a tree to get our attention and we listened!

Author Bill Blankschaen, in his article, “How to Know What God Wants You to Do Next” asks 3 questions to help us discern if we are stuck:

  • What if the greatest risk you face is of a story left unlived?
  • What if true security comes not from what you can see, but what you can’t see?
  • And what if your story becomes worth telling not for the bruises you avoid but for the giants you face—and defeat?

Jerry and I have begun to know that we have a story to tell – and to live! – and we know that God has used those difficult experiences (along with others!) to move us out of our comfort zones and into action.


“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”

Romans 8:28


It can be really hard to consider difficult things good, but God knew that what we were planning was not good for us – and it wasn’t His purpose for us or for our home. The moment that tree fell, I knew it was time for a change. It has taken some time, but Jerry and I came to an understanding that it might be time to move. We felt God calling us to clean up our space, clean up our commitments, and clean up our finances so that we could be free for the next step! So we began to pray – and we got to work.


“In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”

Proverbs 3:6


Jerry and I still are not exactly sure of the plan. We know we are to move forward in the cleaning up and getting ready process, and, as we are obedient, we trust that God will give us the next step when He is ready.


“The steps of a man are established by the Lord, when he delights in his way;”

Psalm 37:23


Here a few of the ways Jerry and are walking in obedience as we wait for the Lord’s direction:

1.We pray together.

Jerry and I discovered the power of praying as a couple when one of our children was struggling with addiction. We knew that the difficulties we were facing could tear us apart or pull us closer together. We began to pray daily as a team to ask for God’s protection and His strength and wisdom. We were amazed at the work we saw God do in our son and in our marriage during that time. We have continued to pray together and we believe it has helped us to discern our dreams and direction.

“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.”

James 1:5


2. We talk about our dreams often.

Jerry and I both are verbal processors. As we discuss our thoughts, we allow our dreams to be guided by God through the wisdom and knowledge of others and each other. In my own creative mind, my imagination can go off on tangents, but Jerry keeps me grounded. In Jerry’s logical brain, he can get stuck in the same thinking, while I am able to help him think outside of the box. We also love to surround ourselves with people who know more than we do about many things and we highly respect their opinions.

“Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.”

Proverbs 11:14


3. We set goals and write them down.

In the last year, Jerry and I have made it a practice to “meet” together to discuss our plans and our finances. These planning sessions inspire us and set us in reality at the same time. It is very exciting to see things crossed off the list and goals being met, and these “meetings” help us remember that we are a team. Sometimes, the numbers and number of tasks on the list can seem overwhelming, but as we have been patiently waiting (and doing), we are beginning to see the fruit.

“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”

Hebrews 11:1


4. We do the work.

Keeping our eyes on the goal helps us persevere in the work. It can often seem like we are getting nowhere, but there is reward in rolling up our sleeves and getting busy. Waiting on the Lord is often an active stance (not passive). The miracles are seen in the way He multiplies our efforts and binds us together in the process. We believe that we understand the direction, but even if we are off the mark, we are more easily guided when we are in motion. Jerry and I pray that God will use our efforts to place us right where He wants us – even if that is not where we imagined at all!

“The journey on which you go is under the eye of the Lord.”

Judges 18:6


I love this quote by Meg Buchar!

“Trust that we are not placed on this earth coincidently. God will bring people and situations in our lives in His perfect timing. Our task is to love the best we can with what we’ve been given. When we pay attention to the people and the work God placed in our lives, the journey becomes more enjoyable.”

We look forward to sharing the journey as we move forward and we would love it if you would include us in your prayers!

The Church – a Picture of Encouragement

The Church (the body of believers as a whole) gives us a picture of how encouragement should look. Though it is never perfect – it is made up of people after all – the church demonstrates the Encouragement of Words, Prayer, Giving, Action, Experience, Presence, and Hospitality. It seeks to care for one another first, and then it reaches out to serve others. Even as we have not been able to meet together in the way we are used to, we are finding new ways to encourage one another and to be The Church. Let’s take a look at how the Church demonstrates the 7 types of encouragement.

The Church Encourages with Words

Jesus is the head of the church, and He is also The Word. Believers base their faith and doctrine on the Word of God and seek to grow in and teach His Word within the church. We are transformed by the renewing of our minds when we read, study, and meditate on God’s truth – His word. As we are filled with The Word, we are able to use God’s very words to encourage others. God’s word gives us hope, courage, and life!

“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

2 Timothy 3:16-17

The Church Encourages with Prayer

The Bible encourages us to pray together and to pray for one another. As a church, we pray corporately as part of a service, but we also pray for each other as we share concerns and praises. We are encouraged when we know that others are praying for us and when we remember that God hears our prayers.

“Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”

James 5:16

The Church Encourages by Giving

Giving is a natural and accepted part of church. We give tithes and offerings to God and understand that they are used to serve the church, its members, and beyond. We also give by sharing with other believers and helping them through difficult times. What encouragement to know that God is using our resources to help others and that He will also use them to help us.

“All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had.”

Acts 4:32

The Church Encourages with Action

We serve God by serving others – and we are specifically commanded to serve other believers. Jesus demonstrated service for us and we continue that by serving in the church, in our homes, and in our neighborhoods and the world. As we serve others, we are encouraged by knowing that we are being used by God and again when He uses others to serve us.

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”

1 Peter 4:10

The Church Encourages with Presence

One of the things we miss most about church right now is being with our church family. Meeting by Zoom or listening to a sermon online is not the same as being present with one another. The early church set an example for us by meeting in small groups and sharing meals. Whenever possible, believers must figure out ways to be together. God uses the presence of one another to give us a feeling of peace and unity.

“(Do) not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another–and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”

Hebrews 10:25

The Church Encourages with Experience

As believers live a life of following Christ, they are naturally setting an example of Christian living. The church is even more intentional as believers use their experience to lead and teach and as each member shares their testimonies with one another. When we tell others about how God has worked in our lives, we are encouraged and our faith grows.

“Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. Then they can urge the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.”

Titus 2:3-5

The Church Encourages with Hospitality

Whenever people are welcomed into the family of God – whether that is in the church building on Sunday morning or in another believer’s home – true hospitality is being offered. As the church extends its view of family to include all believers, the definition of home also expands.

“Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.”

1 Peter 4:9


Ultimately, biblical encouragement points to God – whether in word or deed. When The Church models encouragement the way God intends, it will spill out over the walls and encourage the world.